
N. Quinten [invited speaker] , “Do You Trust Your Computer? An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Fairness,” University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka [Online], 2021.

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx [invited speaker] , “The Design of Physical Rehabilitation Games: The Physical Ambient Abstract Minimal Game Style,” Microsoft Research India, Bangalore, India, 2017.

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx [invited speaker] , “The Design of Physical Rehabilitation Games: The Physical Ambient Abstract Minimal Game Style,” National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore, 2017.

N. Quinten, “How to Become Creative in 23 Minutes and 30 Seconds: Yes, This Title is Satire,” Imagineering Institute, Johor, Malaysia, 2017.

N. Quinten [invited speaker] , “The Relation between Instructional Designers and Interaction Designers in Game-Based Learning,” Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia, 2017.

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx, “The Design of Physical Rehabilitation Games: The Physical Ambient Abstract Minimal Game Style,” RMIT Design Hub, Melbourne, Australia, 2016.

N. Quinten [invited panel member], “Game Jam experiences: Lessons learned,” JamToday Fair, Barcelona, Spain, 2015.

N. Quinten, J. Bourgonjon, B. De Schutter [invited panel member], “DiGRA Flanders,” In Apperly, T., Brown, A. & Quinten, N. (Orgs.) Meeting of local DiGRA Chapters, DiGRA 2015, Lüneburg, Germany.

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx [invited speaker] “Vormen van Digitale Spelen in Fysieke Revalidatietherapie,” REVA expo, Gent, Belgium, 2015

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx, “Shapes: A Tactile Game for Physical Rehabilitation,” DIGRA Flanders Meeting, Gent, Belgium, 2015

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx, “An Introduction to Design-based Research in the Area of Games for Physical Rehabilitation,” DIGRA Flanders Meeting, Gent, Belgium, 2013

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx, “De Ervaring van de Speler in Games voor Fysieke Revalidatie: het Perspectief van een Designer” [invited speaker] Serious Games, Serious Business Event, Brussel, Belgium, 2013


F. Zambetta, W. Raffe, M. Tamassia, F. ’Floyd‚ Mueller, X. Li, N. Quinten, R. Patibanda, D. Dang, and J. Satterley. Reducing Perceived Waiting Time in Theme Park Queues via an Augmented Reality Game. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 27, 1, 2020.

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx, “ Gaps of uncertainty – A case for experimentation in serious game design frameworks,” in Game Design Research: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, P. Lankoski, J. Holopainen, Eds. ETC Press, Pittsburgh, USA, 2017.

J. Bourgonjon, G. Vandermeersche, K. Rutten, and N. Quinten, “Perspectives on Video Games as Art,” in CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture. 19, 4, 2017.

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx. Exploring Deep Content in Physical Rehabilitation Games [Poster]. In Konstantinos Chorianopoulos, Monica Divitini, Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Letizia Jaccheri, and Rainer Malaka, editors, Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2015: 14th International Conference, Proceedings, pages 433-38. Trondheim, Norway, 2015. Springer.

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx, “The Creative Design of Physical Rehabilitation Games,” In Proceedings GLS 10 Games + Learning + Society, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2014, pp. 353–359.

N. Quinten and S. Malliet, “Considering Design Concerns in Games for Physical Rehabilitation,” In Interactive Technologies and Games 2011 Conference Proceedings, Nothingham, GB, 2011, pp. 132–145.

N. Quinten, “The physical side of the digital: Teaching physical actions via a digital medium,” In Proceedings of Global TIME 2011, online, pp. 449-453.

S. Malliet and N. Quinten, ‘Evaluating Educational Game Experiences in a Classroom Context – Implications for Qualitative Research,” in Playability and player experience: Proceedings of the Fun and Games 2010 Workshop, Leuven, Belgium, 2010, pp. 63-80


Thesis supervision, Master (2013-2017)
Supervision of eight master students during their practice-based master thesis in interaction or game design.

Play&Game research module, Master (2011-2013, 2014-2017)
Teach cross-disciplinary groups (interaction design, photography, animation, product design, ..) to develop experimental interactive design products through
practice-based research. Coordinator and co-lecturer, ~10-30 students.

Research methodology, Bachelor (2015-2017)
Teach student groups to practically apply practice-based research methods and formulate sound research questions. Lecturer, ~15 students.

Proposition, Bachelor (2015-2017)
Teach individual students to ideate practice-based research subjects, formulate sound research questions, and convincingly present this in a written academic
format. Co-lecturer, ~15 students.

Case supervision, Bachelor (2011-2017)
Guide student groups to creatively interpret and practically execute design assignments from industry, government, and academic partners. Coordinator
and co-lecturer, ~20 students.

Game concept, Bachelor (2015-2017)
Teach individual students advanced game design (theory and practice), as well as how to think and act as a designer in general. Coordinator and co-lecturer, ~20 students.

Personal project, Bachelor (2014-2017)
Guide individual students to express themselves through the creation of a digital game. Coordinator and co-lecturer. ~20-35 students


N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx, Shapes & Collider [Game, exhibition]. Finissage, C-mine Design Centre, Genk, Belgium, 2016

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx, Shapes [Game, exhibition]. Blank Arcade Exhibiton, DiGRA conference, Lüneburg, Germany, 2015.

N. Quinten, S. Malliet, and K. Coninx, Collider [Game, exhibition]. The Bridge, Antwerp, Belgium, 2013.

N. Quinten and M. Grugeon, At Work [Installation, exhibition]. Werk NU, Z33 House of Contemporary Arts, Hasselt, Belgium, 2009.

Other things I did

Research Stay Imagineering Institute, Malaysia (2 weeks), 2017

Research Stay RMIT Melbourne at the Exertion Games lab (2 weeks), 2016

Representative of Hasselt University in The Executive board of DiGRA Flanders, 2013-2016

Best Serious Game Evaluation Award. 4th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications 2012, Genoa, Italië, 2012